Africa, Botswana, Burundi, Death Penalty, Detention, Ghana, Kenya, Latest, LGBTI rights, Malawi, Mozambique, Research, Right to Health, Sexual Rights, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe January 12, 2024 Africa: We are facing extinction: Escalating anti-LGBTI sentiment, the weaponization of law and their human rights implications in select African countries
Africa, Content Type, Ghana, Latest, LGBTI rights, News, Press Releases, Research, Urgent Action December 13, 2023 GHANA: ANTI-LGBTI BILL STIRS UP HATRED, PERSECUTION AND DISCRIMINATION
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Africa, Business and Human Rights, Death Penalty, Freedom of Association, Ghana, Human Rights Defenders and Activists, Latest, LGBTI rights, Press Freedom, Research, Sexual Rights, Women’s Rights October 19, 2023 THE STATE OF THE WORLDS HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT-FOCUS ON GHANA
Discrimination July 25, 2023 World Day Against the Death Penalty: Women on death row face despicable discrimination