Amnesty International Ghana Eastern Regional Chapter led by the regional Coordinator El-samed organized a transformative Human Rights Education Program at the Asesewa Senior High School. The event which happened on the 23rd of October was aimed at throwing more light on the frequent “Online Sexual Harassment” which raised interesting conversations among students.
An important area for Amnesty International Ghana is Human Rights Education, the need to educate and make people aware of their rights. As a global movement of people who take injustice personally and are campaigning for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all, we organize various activities and engagements to make it a reality. The program at Asesewa Senior High school is a typical example of Amnesty International Ghana’s commitment to human rights education where individuals were brought together and educated about Human Rights.
The program was attended by a sizeable number of students who engaged in intriguing conversations and dialogues about Human Rights with open minds. Attendees shared their personal experiences, concerns, and questions, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas.
The program came to end with attendees well vested about Human Rights issues and the need to be aware of them. Individuals left fulfilled and with a renewed commitment to championing human rights.